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Bagel George: July 24, 2024

Bagel is settling in nicely. The backyard has been reinforced and Princess Bagel doesn’t mind the bumpers. We’ve met with a trainer and she’s getting most of the commands. It’s good she’s food motivated. She’s pretty good about going into the crate but cries when I leave. After she has mastered sit, stay, come, drop it, and down, we’re going to focus on her behaviors during a walk. Being a beagle she goes into full huntress mode when she sees another dog, a squirrel, a fox, a rabbit, and birds. She becomes quite vocal and is hard to distract. She has met my neighbors’ dogs and is happy with them.

I love it when she snuggles on my lap and she knows just how cute she is.

Thank you for taking such good care of her. She’s a joy.

Gunner Charles: June 16, 2024

Gunner is still adjusting to his new home. He enjoys family walks, tug-of-war, and wrestling with his new sister, Nalla. He also finds himself in trouble when counter-surfing or dumpster-diving in the kitchen trash can. All these activities lead to hungry bellies and long naps. The longer drool, the more food he needs. His people have learned to expect drool on most surfaces and Nalla. Gunner is loving his new life.

JayJay Suffolk: June 10, 2024

Tucker, formerly known as Jay Jay Suffolk, is doing very well in our home. He plays hard all day long and then he’s completely tuckered at night, thus the name. He loves his toys and has a favorite stuffed animal that he carries everywhere with him. He gets along well with our big dog and cat, although he does chase her around at times. He is always on the lookout for squirrels on our daily walks. He’s petite but he’s very strong. He sits on command especially for a treat. He’s very affectionate and likes to snuggle. We’re delighted that we adopted Tucker.

Walter Lancaster: May 31, 2024

Walter and Timmy have settled in nicely. Walter made himself at home from day one! His favorite things are belly rubs and treats. Timmy was a little timid at first, but he has warmed up to us. He's a gentle little guy who is never far away from his brother. They enjoy short walks sniffing around the yard and curling up on a bed together. They are such sweet boys! We are thrilled that they are part of our family.

Dilly Warren: May 5, 2024

After much discussion, we have decided to keep the name Dilly. It is also British slang for "remarkable," which he is, so we found it suited him perfectly. His nicknames are Dilbird, Dilly Dill Pickle, and Silly Dilly. Dilly has made himself right at home and settled in like he's been here forever. He is the most sweet and gentle soul who loves his walks with his new buddy, Gemma. It took her a day to realize he was staying, and she has shown him how to guilt us into more treats. He figured out our doggie door in 2 days and now runs in and out into his backyard with his favorite squeaky toy of the day. He is the perfect fit for us.

Copper Charles (now Brody): March 27, 2024

Brody, (formerly Copper Charles) s a 2-year-old beagle who came to us as a foster when the local animal shelter was full. He was pretty sick when I picked him up and turned out to have a bad case of pneumonia. It was a few weeks of many naps and lots of medicine. But, he's all better now and loves to race around the house. He is a HUGE fan of stuffed toys and has a pretty vast collection now. His favorite, Capt Turtle (his "Captain" status indicated by his yachting hat), recently met an unfortunate end at the hands of Brody's older brother. Thankfully, Brody has asked the Easter bunny for a new Capt Turtle and we have high hopes he will deliver.

He's a pretty active little guy who enjoys exploring his fenced-in backyard (a very carefully selected stuffed toy always accompanies him outside and is brought safely back inside by him); playing with his stuffed toys; but, most of all, playing chase or a game of tug with his new big brother (a German Shepherd). Brody very much values rest and is happy to serve as a nap companion to anyone interested in partaking. He also enforces a strict bed time each evening. Curled up in a blanket on the sofa watching tv with his Mom and brother, he will spontaneously decide it's time for ALL to call it a night. He jumps down and stands staring at everyone until we orderly follow into the kitchen to head outside for the last outside visit of the night. He sleeps straight through the night and has miraculously convinced his brother to stop coming in and waking Mom around 4am (VERY thankful for this!).

Despite having a rough start (Brody was turned into the shelter by a family who found him but couldn't keep him after he appeared at their door, skin and bones, and collapsed), he is happy to politely wait his turn for treats and as his meals are being prepared. He quite quickly learned the command for "sit" and his new name. He's excitedly looking forward to attending Beagle Bash and to exploring the beach town on the Bay where he now lives with Mom when the weather gets a little warmer."

Thank you, BRSM, for saving this little guy!

Birdie Suffolk: March 13, 2024

Birdie is very affectionate and curious (she has to checkout every opened cabinet, drawer, or door). Everyone - family, friends, and neighbors- has fallen in love with Birdie. She loves everybody and loves meeting new dog friends! She’s truly a joy!

Scout Haven: February 25, 2024

We are completely in love with Scout, and couldn't be happier to be his forever family! He's adjusting amazingly well to life as a Hackett and has been a cuddle bug since day 1, even though it took him a few days to come out of his shell and warm up to everybody. We love seeing more and more of his adorable personality shining through every day and are looking forward to years and years of doggie kisses from our sweet Scout!!

Elvis Haven (now Barkley): February 18, 2024

Barkley is such a fun, loving dog… and quickly became my baby boy! He has the best food, treats, best vet (if needed), best dog walker ever and all the loves he can handle. He has not been near a kennel or doggie daycare since the outbreak of the mysterious upper respiratory infection.

Mambo Haven: January 28, 2024

Mambo is doing great! He is the sweetest thing ever, some of his favorite hobbies include climbing on people’s laps, giving unexpected face kisses and trying to destroy every bed we get him. He’s acclimated very well and is very much in cahoots with his big brother desi. We are so grateful to have him in our lives and that we’ve been able to give him a forever home.

Kinsley Craven: Jan 23, 2024

Kinsley has been enjoying her new life here with us so much that she doesn't even know what to do half of the time. She loves snuggling up with us any chance she gets and has a wonderful loving family all around. She is definitely not a fan of snow in any means, but she is spoiled to the core.

Copper Prince George: December 22, 2023

Copper says hello and thanks you for taking care of him. He is doing well and has become the boss of the house. He loves his toys and walks. He is a good napper and sleeps through the night. Copper is extremely smart and every where we go people just want to hold him because he looks like a stuffed animal. He is still a wild man but is learning to listen. He now rings a bell with his paw or nose when he wants to go out. Your dedication to beagles is greatly appreciated.

Rylee Charles: December 14, 2023

Rylee is adjusting well at her shy, slow pace. It's only been just over 4 days since I picked her up but she is getting more and more comfortable.

Her new life in Rockville includes so many new experiences for her. Every morning and every night I take her on a 45 minutes walk through my neighborhood. She is adjusting to suburban life of sidewalks, fire hydrants (she was afraid to walk past them initially), front yards to sniff and of course Christmans lights at night and large, holiday in suburbia.

She has paired up quite well with my other dog Dorris (9 yr old/45lb hound/boxer mix). They seem to have the same temperament and are quite the chill partners.

I love her and am looking forward to her getting more and more comfortable in her new home with Dorris and I.

Many thanks for saving the lives of so many beagles!!!!!

Mason George (now Copper): Mason (now Copper) is happy here in his new home. We are still getting used to each other and getting into a routine after a month. We think he is primarily an English American Coon dog American English Coonhound Dog Breed Information ( He is lean and muscular. He was 33 lb. when we got him and has put on some weight here with us, still very athletic though. He loves seeing his harness come out of the closet and was familiar with wearing one. He takes us out for walks almost daily. I was so afraid I would drop the leash if he ran suddenly after a small animal, since he is bigger and stronger than our last dog. We bought a velcro attachment for our wrist and his leash, so if he goes somewhere then I'm going with him. In his yard, he feels quite successful when he has sent the backyard squirrels running up the tree and he stands at the trunk celebrating and baying to let us know. Otherwise, he is not overly vocal. His drive to chase prey is very high, so we had to reinforce our fence even more. He doesn't engage in the over the fence barking hysterics with neighbor dogs. He does seem to need monthly baths and with peanut butter on a spoon he seems to be tolerating them better. He seems to like eating his breakfast, then nap in the morning. Thankfully he had been crate trained and he loves to just go in his crate for a nap or when we leave the house. He is very gentle and sweet in the house. Gets along with almost all other dogs and plays nice. Loves his squeaky toys! He cannot be trusted around food. His food drive is so high and he is tall enough to throw his big paws on the counter. He does comply when we direct him to get down. We are working on training him to sit, stay and not climb to look out the window on the antique dresser from Grandma. He is really smart and motivated to get treats, so he learns quickly. And also thank you for making sure that your dogs get medically evaluated and treatment started if needed. We went home with antibiotics and our dog is healthy. My daughter adopted a dog elsewhere and he didn’t have proper medical care before she adopted. He has been sick since she got him. She has taken him to the vet a couple times already. Photos attached. He looks so serious, but has fun playing. We have fallen love with this guy, so glad you all helped us find him.

Lilbet Washington (now Lily): We got Lily and Bertie when they were about old 9 or 10 months old. They are bonded with each other. Neither of them were house trained, they were very anxious and scared. Lily was reserved and stayed to herself. The very first night she came in, she ate our chair. Bertie was affectionate and cuddly. He would lay on his back and show the world his belly. He still does this. They were quickly house and crate trained. Lily loves her crate time, Bertie not so much. He prefers to lounge on a comfy couch. Lily has come out of her shell and will lay next to people. Bertie will jump up and love on anyone who walks in. They love to lay together and fight like siblings. We have playtime everyday where Lily will walk around the back of the couch and Bertie will fetch and return. They both will sit on command and come when called. Most of all they love their treats, tearing up the yard, and watching TV with Mom and Dad.

Abel Baldwin: Here is Abel with his new buddy Molly they have bonded together and when at play they run all over the yard seeing what they can get into.

Louie Milford: Louie has settled in wonderfully with our family. He went on his first camping trip on Labor Day. He loves the water. We are still working on getting him on our potty schedule but he is improving. He loves every person or dog he has met so far. He did not like the horses he met while camping. I bet he has never met one before. Thank you again for allowing him to join our family. He has us firmly by the heartstrings.

Ramsey Haven: We were asked to foster Ramsey when his person had to go into assisted living. It was a hard adjustment for him. After a few weeks he started coming over to us for attention and gradually got more comfortable with us. I had surgery shortly after he got here and he was very protective of me and helped take care of me too! He was very overweight so he went on walks with our other dogs and he fit in very well with everyone. He made it clear that he was home and didn’t want to go anywhere. Ramsey is a very special dog and we are so happy to have him with us. He’s lost 4 lbs already and has so much more energy and definitely feels better.

BoBo Hughes: We are calling him Bo we also say Bobo especially when he’s being his goofy self. He’s running around on our quarter acre with his new doggy buddy Tracker and our 3 kids. He loves talking walks by the bay, car rides, being outside and especially loves laying across the bed and couch.

Teddy Charles: August 2023 - From Teddy's new family:

So I've had Teddy full time for about a month now give or take and it's been better than I'd hoped for. His days consist of tons of long walks on the many trails of Reston, coming to work with me at HHP, and of course tons of love. I've slowly been working on exposing him to as many new stimulating experiences as possible to get him more comfortable with new places and people. So far he's been doing great with everyone he meets and he's really grown on my entire family. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to prove that Teddy is a great dog and that all he needed was a little tlc.

Macy Gilroy: 8/24/2023

Macy has become a fun loving companion to our previous rescue, Stella. Stella has so many health issues including a serious heart murmur and Macy has helped breathe new life into her. She is such a loving companion to all of us. She loves her toys. So glad Macy found us.

Noodles Suffolk (now Winnie): From Winnie's new family:

After the passing of our long-time BRSM rescue dog, we found ourselves looking for another beagle to fill our home. We saw noodles (now Winnie) pop up on Facebook and knew she was the one. Winnie is gentle, curious, and fun-loving. She has fit in perfectly with her beagle siblings, and we know she will be a wonderful companion for years to come.

Daisy Onslow: Thank you Beagle Rescue for our little Daisy. She certainly settled in right away with her new sissy's, Joy and Lucy. What a wonderful addition she is to our beagle family. She has so much happiness inside and wants nothing more than to spread it around. Daisy is very playful and has lots of energy, and a bit more than her old sissy's, but she can also lay down and snuggle right in with them faster than a blink of an eye. We think she knew as soon as she got here that this would be her forever home. So much love inside this little girl. We look forward to caring for her and giving her all the love she needs for the rest of her life. Thank you to Beagle Rescue and all of you who took care of her before she came to us. You are such a blessing to all of these beagles.

Bruno Onslow (now Bruno Paws): Note from his new family:

Bruno has made so much progress in the two short weeks he has been with us. He loves to go outside and is tolerating the “life” noises much better. We live pretty close to Patuxent River Naval Air Station so there’s a lot aircraft activity throughout the day. He’s good with that now.

Two of our neighbors have trucks that are loud upon start up, and they no longer startle him like they did the first week. He was very skittish the first week but again has become more acclimated to those noises.

As far as adapting to his new home inside, this boy has definitely made himself at home. He knows the sound of the refrigerator door opening and knows that the homemade treats are stored there. He knows what shelf in the pantry the other treats are on.

We still haven’t heard his voice, so we’re curious to hear what octave he adds to our current chorus of Pound Hounds. He is extremely affectionate and loves to cuddle on the couch. He also does love his personal space and takes himself to a bed or the crate when he needs Bruno time.

He is enjoying the yard and chasing the other boys. He is really starting to explore the bench that Charlie loved so much. Bruno is such a sweet fellow and we are already so in love with him.

Cookie Haven (now Pepper):

Just wanted to send pics of Pepper (formerly Cookie). We found on her past records that Pepper was her name prior to Cookie, and she responds to it! She has made herself at home! She knows her yard and walking route through the neighborhood but cannot be trusted yet when she nears other dogs! Everyone is her friend and she must be with them! She’s happy at home here, as we are too!

~ Saving Beagles Since 2001 ~
P.O. Box 983
Waldorf, Maryland 20604

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